
MASIT cooperates with the following organisations and institutions:

Non-Governmental Institutions
Increasing Market Employability Project – IME 2
Education for Employment in North Macedonia Project
Economic Chamber of Macedonia
Macedonian Chambers of Commerce
Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia
American Chamber of Commerce in Macedonia – AmCham
Macedonian e-Commerce Association
National Youth Council of Macedonia
Startup Macedonia
AIM (Annual Investment Meeting)
ICT associations and organizations
AITA (Albanian ICT Association)
Bit Alliance – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bulgarian Cluster Telecommunications
Cluj IT Cluster
Green and Smart Technology Cluster
HAMAC Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies
ICT Cluster Bulgaria
ICT Cluster of Central Serbia
ICT Network (ICT Net) – Serbia
Kosovo ICT Association – STIKK
MACES – Macedonian cluster for export of software and ICT services
Montenegrin IT Cluster
Nis Cluster of Advanced Technologies (NiCAT Cluster)
Vojvodina ICT Cluster
ICT Faculties:
Faculty of computer science and engineering – FINKI
Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies – FEIT
Faculty of economics – UKIM
Faculty of technical sciences Bitola
Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics
Goce Delchev University in Shtip
Faculty of information and communication technologies – FIKT Bitola
South East European University
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of information science and technology – UIST Ohrid
European University
University American College Skopje – UACS

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