
Call for financial support for purchasing web sites and e-commerce solutions

The project “Digitalization Path” – funded by the USAID Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth Project and implemented by MASIT (North Macedonia) in partnership with STIKK (Kosovo) and ICT Net (Serbia) is announcing the open call for applications from companies operating in the sector of agriculture and processing, light manufacturing (apparel and textiles, wood processing), and tourism (eco-tourism, rural tourism, and adventure tourism), for financial support in acquiring web site or e-commerce solutions. 

Application process for financial support for purchasing web sites and e-commerce solutions

In the frame of the project, an application process is open for all companies from the sectors mentioned above, and will offer financial support for purchase only on 2 types of basic IT solutions: websites and e-commerce solutions. This call is set as a response to the current COVID-19 crisis that companies are facing, which is influencing the significant reduction of physical sales and need digital solutions to introduce or improve their online sales. The implementation of the IT solution is planned for October and November 2020.

Who are we looking for?

  • Companies registered in North Macedonia, Serbia or Kosovo
  • Companies that comes from one of the targeted sectors: agriculture and processing, light manufacturing (apparel and textiles, wood processing), and tourism (eco-tourism, rural tourism, and adventure tourism)
  • Companies that have plans to have a new web site of the company or e-commerce solution or to improve their existing web site/e-commerce solution
  • Companies that already have initiated procedure for purchasing new web site/e-commerce solution, or who are currently in the process of purchasing a web site/e commerce.

*It is preferably the IT providers to be company member of MASIT/ICT Net/STIKK.

What can you expect?

  • Financial contribution of up to 50% or up to 1500 USD per company, from the project
  • At least 30% or 900 USD must be contributed by you
  • Support in acquiring offers from ICT companies and a contribution of 20% from the IT company provider in form of: calculated discounts, additional functionalities/ services or training related to usage of IT solution, etc..

*llustrative example: for a web site or e-commerce solution with market price of 3000 USD, 50 % or up to 1500 will be contributed by the project, 30% or up to 900 will be contributed by you and 20% will be contributed by the IT company.

Eligible companies that may apply:

  • Small: 5 – 50 full-time employees or Medium: 51 – 250 full-time employees
  • The company to exist at least one year
  • The company should not have a turnover higher than 1.000.000,00 euros per year

The application deadline for this call is 14.10.2020.

Companies that meet the criteria for applying, will be selected on the “first come – first served principle” within the deadline for application.

*Note: At least 30% of the value of the selected IT solution is obligatory as a contribution from the selected company.

The interested companies should apply by sending the Expression of interest template to the following e-mail addresses considering to the country they operate in:  

The detailed information related to this call can be found on the link below.

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