
Newsletter no.5 of the Digitization Path Project

We are pleased to share the 5th Newsletter of our Project: Digitalization Path, which provides an overview of some of the highlights and activities during the past quarter of the project.

About Digitalization path project:

The “DIGITALIZATION PATH” Project is implemented by a consortium comprised of MASIT (North Macedonia) in partnership with STIKK (Kosovo) and ICT Net (Serbia) funded by the USAID Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth Project. The main goal of this project is to:
• Support SMEs from the targeted value chains (fresh and processed fruit and vegetables, apparel and textiles, wood processing and eco/ agro /adventure tourism), understand and get familiar with the benefits of the digital transformation;
• Analyze their current level of digital transformation and create Digital Transformation Strategies identifying and prioritizing needed IT solutions;
• Financially support them in the process of purchasing and implementing IT solutions in order to improve their business activities

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