Export Promotion Strategy for the Macedonian Software and IT Services Industry

The creation of the Strategy was initiated by the MASIT Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies in cooperation with the Investment Promotion and Export Project (IEP), which is being implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) at the behest of the German Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs economic cooperation and development (BMZ). The Strategy is the first national document with a comprehensive approach to enhancing the international competitiveness of the domestic IT industry and is the result of months of dedicated work of the Strategy Working Group members, comprised of representatives from several relevant ministries and state agencies, MASIT, institutions in higher education as well as donor organizations active in the field of promoting the Macedonian ICT industry.

The purpose of this strategy is to help promote exports, in close collaboration with all relevant stakeholders, to help the Macedonian software industry achieve the following main objective:

Macedonia to establish itself as a recognized brand for specialized, quality outsourcing services and software products in Europe, based on systemic competitiveness, company excellence and superior customer value.

In close connection with this main objective, the export promotion strategy pursues the following strategic objectives:

  • Overcoming export-related obstacles and successfully positioning Macedonian software companies (especially SMEs) in international markets;
  • Opening new markets and new consumer segments;
  • Fostering export-led economic growth and increasing employment;
  • Encourage international marketing and branding of Macedonia and its software industry;
  • Prevent and reverse the direction of brain drain;
  • Encouragement of technology transfer and access to new technologies and knowledge;
  • Reducing risk through market diversification;
  • Accelerating EU market integration;

It can be summarized that the purpose of the export promotion strategy is not only to facilitate the internationalization of Macedonian software and IT services companies, but also to enhance the competitiveness of the Macedonian software industry on a sustainable basis and to strengthen its role as catalyst for growth, productivity, and innovation in the Macedonian economy.

The software industry is an extremely dynamic sector. Therefore, the purpose of this strategy is not to define a static system of strategic measures to promote development that will be unchangeable. It should be seen more as a starting point and a strategic direction that will flexibly respond to future development of resources and opportunities, as well as changes in global markets and technology. Consequently, this document defines a system of proactive future-oriented strategic policies and measures that will need to be constantly reviewed, adjusted, and improved to ensure their effectiveness.

This strategy has been developed with the help of GTZ in 2010.

Стратегија за унапредување на извоз на софтвер и ИТ услуги 2010 (МК)

Export Promotion Strategy for the Macedonian Software and IT Services Industry 2010 (EN)

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