Handbook for software and IT services export (April, 2019)

Foreign companies and companies in the country have recognized the strategic importance of appearing on foreign markets, and thus exporting software and ICT services. Companies in the Republic of North Macedonia see foreign markets as a new potential segment for growing their business and increasing revenue. Accordingly, MASIT developed the Software and ICT Services Export Handbook as part of the USAID Partnership for Better Business Regulation project. The guide explains the steps and strategies that a company needs to know to export to foreign markets.

The complete handbook can be downloaded at the following links:

The Software and ICT Services Export Handbook  was developed in April 2019 as part of the USAID Partnership for Better Business Regulation Project, which partners the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, the Information and Communication Technologies Chamber of Commerce – MASIT, the Economic Chamber of Northwest Macedonia, the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce and EPI Center International.

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